Silent Auction & Peloton Raffle LIVE!!
Silent Auction will close at 9 p.m. (Peloton Closes at 8:30pm) on November 14th.
*12:00pm - 4:00pm
Curbside pick-up your 3-course Gourmet Dinner
(sold out)
Join the Light House Celebration and
Auction on YouTube while you
BID from our separate Auction Site.
Watch from a phone or computer or from a Smart TV: Download the YouTube app, if not already installed.
Open the YouTube app then search for "Friends of The Light House" and select the video titled "Bountiful Harvest 2020"
LINK to YouTube:
Silent Auction is now open and will close at 9:00pm
Live Auction opens at 8:00pm and closes at 8:30pm
Peloton Raffle open now on silent auction will close at 8:30pm
Team Trivia from the nationally
renowned "Big Quiz Thing?"
Choose your team, everyone will watch the MC & questions via ZOOM.
Captains will set-up a conference call or FaceTime to communicate
with their team to discuss the answers.
Detailed instructions will be emailed to the Captains the day before the event.
CLICK HERE to register for Trivia Tickets and Free Auction Link.
Looking forward to a night full of great food,
fun, laughter and good will.
All to support our Annapolis Light House!
With your support, the Friends Of The Light House will continue to be able to provide support to The Light House and enable its staff to provide much-needed services to the citizens of Anne Arundel County. The Light House relies upon 91% if its funds from private support.
Fundraisers sponsored by the Friends of The Light House, including Bountiful Harvest, provide much needed funds, which help house and transition residents. In addition to the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing, it is imperative to provide the residents the opportunity to acquire employment skills.
Through The Light House's B.E.S.T. ( Building Employment Success Training) program, clients of the support center can participate in a training program, furthering the goal of transition. We cannot accomplish this without support like yours, which enlivens as it creates a chain reaction of generosity.